
Kings Cove

Kings Cove

Sports Bar & Restaurant
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Kings Cove is a family owned and operated business located at the Toyota Sports Performance Center in El Segundo, CA - Home to the LA Kings. We offer a walk up café and a beer and wine bar in a relaxed rustic dining area. You can enjoy your favorite professional sporting events on one of our 16 TVs.

What We Offer




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Price Range - $5-18

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Family Friendly, Dine In, Take Out

Catering, Private Events on site


Kings Cove is centrally located on the 2nd floor of the Toyota Sports Performance Center situated between two ice rinks in the state-of-the-art training facility. Enjoy our food and beverage menu offerings while watching your favorite sporting events. Parents can also dine while their children play hockey and figure skate. We offer seating for 65 guests and there is ample additional seating throughout the facility.

During the NHL season, customers have the opportunity to watch the LA Kings practice.

Cafe - Monday-Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-8pm
Bar - Monday-Friday 4pm-12am, Saturday and Sunday 12pm-12am

Whether you are planning a small family dinner at home, a celebration or a corporate function, we've got you covered.

Give us a call or send an email to discuss the details of your event.

Our menu consists of salads, hot and cold sandwiches, pizza, pasta and a variety of appetizers.

Use Zip Code 90245 to find us on:

Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
Michael Jordan